
If your child was chosen to participate in the production of King Arthur's Quest, here is some more information:

Tuesday Practice:

12-2:  Camelotians and Damsels

2:15-4:15:  Arthur, Guinevere, Merlin, Raven, Taliesin, Lancelot,  Lady of Lake, Uther, Morgan and Mordred

Wednesday Practice:  

3:45-5:45:  Entire Cast

6-8PM:  Entire Cast EXCEPT Miniature Cast (Mini Court, Mini Knights, Mini Squires)

Thursday Practice:

3:45-5:45:  Entire Cast

6-8:  Entire Cast EXCEPT Miniature Cast


2:45-8:45 PM:  Entire Cast:  Dress Rehearsal, dinner and the 7:00PM PERFORMANCE


10:00AM-1:30PM:  Entire Cast:  Costumes and 11:30AM PERFORMANCE