Fall sport individual buttons are available for high school football and volleyball, junior high football, girls basketball and tennis and elementary football soon! If you would l...
Student Elections will be held Friday, September 8 th .
Students will be released for a 9 – 12 Assembly at 5 th Period for Student Body Officer Speeches. Class Electi...
*Part-time Custodian; $10.21/hour plus sick & vacation benefits.
*Part-time Kitchen cook; $9.63/hour plus sick & vacation benefits.
Applications are available online at www....
2017 Graduates can pick up their yearbooks at the high school office and also a reminder for all scholarship award winners; you are now able to request your award money. You can ...
The Fairfield School will need to shut both gyms down for ALL USE starting Thursday, August 3rd for annual maintenance on the floor. They will closed to the public until August 1...
All students interested in participating in football or volleyball will need to turn in all of their paperwork (Physical form, permission slip, pay to participate, etc) BEFORE the...
August 7 (drop off clothing 3-7 p.m. ) Aug 8 & 9 (shop!) 3-7 p.m. St. John's Parish Center in Fairfield (gym floors being refinished at the school) Freewill donations to F...
Junior high and high school aged BOYS being targeted in a social media based scam. They believe that pedofiles/sex offenders are behind this scam. Here's how it works: